The Repair Shop: A Royal Visit

I was lucky enough last year to be featured on The Repair Shop as the guest blacksmith. One question I often get asked is “Is everyone on the show as nice as they appear?” I wish I could share an un-expected and interesting insight, but unfortunately the answer is: Yes. Dom was a pleasure to work with, the Teddy bear ladies were so kind, and and Jay lit up any room he walked into (I feel bad about not mentioning everybody I met).

One thing it has inspired me to do is focus more time on mending and repairing items. On the last Monday of every month I will run Mend It Monday at Mawnan Smith Forge, where people can bring their items for repair or advice. Feel free to pop along!

The other thing I learnt was how amazing the Weald and Downland Museum, where The Repair Shop is filmed, is. I will certainly be making another trip to see the museum when it is open.